Posture Coaching, In-Home Exercises, and Fitness.

About the Program:

As a personal trainer headaches, neck pain, and low back pain are some of the most commonly reported pains in our office and we have found that most commonly these pains are caused by the strain that everyday activities have on our bodies. 

We have found that of the many things that help, however, chiropractic adjustments and percussive therapy tend to help the most in these conditions. We have an understanding that in order to create more permanent change we need solutions through exercising, stretching, muscle activation, in order to get blood flow and keep function to all of the most underactive parts of the body.

This program that we call the Core 4 is designed to activate the weakest muscles in your body to reduce pain and help relieve pain symptoms that are associated with long term postural deficiencies. 

The Core 4

Our goal is for you to be able to learn how to protect your body from the effects of everyday activities.    Take a look at what these classes can do for your body’s overall health and function! 

Upper Cross

Goes over the muscles in the neck, shoulders, mid and upper back. In our class we will take the time to educate on the signs, probable causes, and the postural deviations that are associated with Upper Cross Syndrome and how to correct them through exercise.

Lower Cross

Goes over the muscles relating to the lower back, hips, and knees. In our class we will take the time to educate you on the signs, probable causes, and the postural deviations associated with Lower Cross syndrome and how to correct them through exercise.


Goes predominantly over the abdominal muscles as well as providing protective strategies for the lower back. In this class we will focus on signs of a weak core, postural deviations associated with core weakness and provide corrective exercise to create true core strength.


Will give you the added benefits of learning to take those tight muscles and get them to relax and lengthen back to their normal length. In this class we will focus on the problems with tight muscles and how we can restore them to their normal length in order to create balance in the tissues.